12875 West 15th Drive
Golden, CO 80401–3501 USA
Tel: 303–237–6590 E–Mail: LManess2@China-Resources.net
Copyright Holder: Lindsey V. Maness, Jr.

Revised on February 22nd, 2,006





Combined Set = All Themes, with Supporting Texts = {RS}
Standard Set = Political + Topographic/Bathymetric + Transportation + Satellite Imagery + Geological + Hydrological/Drainage Themes + supporting texts
Thematic Set = Theme + Standard Set

TOT=Total Region = ACH + AES + CIS
ACH=All China (all or part of China, inclusive)
AES=Adjacent East Asia (outside China & CIS, only)
CIS=CIS (former USSR)


*Combined Geological Resources Studies of China & East Asia: Maps & texts display and discuss the region's Political, Transportation, Hydrology, Geology, Oil & Gas Basins, Minerals and Coal Resources, with separate Analysis Text and Ancillary Maps. The Minerals (Metallogenic) and Coal portions of this study are in–process, and will require as much as six additional months to complete. These are studies of essentially all of China and East Asia's geological resources: hydrocarbons (Basins), minerals (precious and base metals, industrial minerals, gemstones, etc.) and coal (with supporting geological, transportation, drainage and political information). This <TOT> study is for those firms with a serious interest in acquiring a single integrated package detailing all of China and East Asia's resources (hydrocarbons, minerals, coal), geology and infrastructure.


Cost of Digital Combined Resources {RS}:

Product Order No. Price
TOT Combined Resources, Digital* RSTOTTOTD200 $500,000
China Combined Resources, Digital* RSACHACHD200 $400,000
AES Combined Resources, Digital* RSAESAESD200 $300,000
CIS Combined Resources, Digital* RSCISCISD200 $300,000



Cost of Combined & Separate Thematic Products:

Separate Thematic Analysis {AN} Text (no maps):

Consists of recommendations; errata; references; partial list of companies active in China; status of incorporating data for each country; and other information

Product Order No. Price
Analysis Text, Digital ANTOTTOTD201 $ 30,000

Separate Thematic Ancillary {AC} Maps (no text): · Supporting information is critical for many applications
Product Order No. Price
Ancillary Maps, Digital ACTOTTOTD201 $ 35,000

Basins (Oil & Gas) {BC & BS} Study of China & East Asia:
The combined thematic maps & texts display and discuss the region's Political, Transportation, Hydrology, Geology, Basins, and Analysis & Ancillary information. It does not include the Minerals (Metallogenic) or Coal Maps, their Texts or any other Regional Thematic Study. Maps & Texts describe and discuss over 160 basins onshore China, alone [in varying detail] and basins offshore and in other countries; oil & gas fields; pipelines, with names and descriptions and actual routes; oil & gas seeps; oil shales; refineries; recommendations, cautions and other information.
· Sub–basins mapped in Talimu, Zhunger & some other basins
· Supports remote sensing enhancements and analyses
· Bilingual information at–hand
· Unique. No other study has all this information
Product Order No. Price
Total Basins Set, Digital BCTOTTOTD200 $ 75,000
Total Basins Theme, Digital BSTOTTOTD201 $ 40,000
China Basins Set, Digital BCACHACHD200 $ 70,000
China Basins Theme, Digital BSACHACHD201 $ 35,000
AES Basins Theme, Digital BSAESAESD201 $ 30,000 Ö
CIS Basins Theme, Digital BSCISCISD201 $ 35,000 Ö

*Coal {CL} Study of China & East Asia:
The combined thematic maps & texts display and discuss the region's Coal (distribution, quality, tonnages, environmental problems [e.g., arsenic and sulfur in the coal], etc.), Political, Transportation, Topography/Bathymetry, Hydrology/Drainage, Geology, Satellite Imagery and Analysis information. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. Other information about exploration unique to China is provided.
· With the transportation study, is indispensable for econometric evaluations
· Each coal site digitally georeferenced to maps for proximity studies (e.g., all metallurgical–grade coal within 50 km of rail lines specifiable)
Product Order No. Price
Total Region Coal Set* CLTOTTOTD200 $300,000
Total Region Coal Theme* CLTOTTOTD201 $250,000
China Coal Set* CLACHACHD200 $200,000
China Coal Theme* CLACHACHD201 $175,000
AES Coal Set* CLAESAESD200 $150,000 Ö
AES Coal Theme* CLAESAESD201 $125,000 Ö
CIS Coal Set* CLCISCISD200 $150,000 Ö
CIS Coal Theme* CLCISCISD201 $ 50,000 Ö

Separate Thematic Hydrology (Drainage) {HY} Study of China & East Asia:
Maps & Text display and discuss lakes, rivers, canals, seas and oceans.
· Supports remote sensing studies (relative locations)
· Supports geophysical survey line routing
Product Order No. Price
TOT Hydrology Theme, Digital HYTOTTOTD201 $ 20,000
China Hydrology Theme, Digital HYACHACHD201 $ 18,000
AES Hydrology Theme, Digital HYAESAESD201 $ 15,000 Ö
CIS Hydrology Theme, Digital HYCISCISD201 $ 15,000 Ö

*Geochemical {GC} Study of China & East Asia:
The Thematic Maps Sets (including texts) display and discuss the region's Geochemistry (mostly generalized metallics distribution and concentration), with the "Standard Set": Political, Topographic, Transportation, Hydrology, Geology, Satellite Imagery and Analysis information. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. Large areas of missing and interpolated information are present.
Product Order No. Price
Total Geochemical Set* GCTOTTOTD200 $250,000
Total Geochemical Theme* GCTOTTOTD201 $200,000
China Geochemical Set* GCACHACHD200 $ 75,000
China Geochemical Theme* GCACHACHD201 $ 70,000
AES Geochemical Set* GCAESAESD200 $200,000
AES Geochemical Theme* GCAESAESD201 $180,000
CIS Geochemical Set* GCCISCISD200 $200,000
CIS Geochemical Theme* GCCISCISD201 $180,000

Separate Thematic Geology {GY} Study of China & East Asia:
Maps & text display and discuss a single unified stratigraphy for each separate country; compares and contrasts nomenclature and labelling conventions followed; analyses & explanations; some structure. Very important notes: Several variations of geological maps of China are possessed in–house by Maness; even today, many portions of China are inadequately mapped. This version will include both onshore and offshore geology, where known, in–house. Previously, onshore and offshore geology were different products, at higher cost.
· Supports remote sensing studies (identifies formations)
· Supports regional analyses by rock types and ages
Product Order No. Price
Total Geology (onshore & offshore) Theme, Digital GYTOTTOTD201 $ 40,000
China Geology (onshore & offshore) Theme, Digital GYACHACHD201 $ 35,000

*Geomorphic {GM} Study of China & East Asia: The thematic map set (including texts) displays and discusses the region's Geomorphology (how the shape of the earth, both onshore and offshore, relates to its geology, etc.), Political, Transportation, Topographic/Bathymetric, Hydrology, Geology, Satellite Imagery and Analysis information. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. There are large areas of missing and/or interpolated information.

Product Order No. Price
Total Geomorphology Set* GMTOTTOTD100 $250,000
Total Geomorphology Theme* GMTOTTOTD101 $200,000
China Geomorphology Set* GMACHACHD100 $ 50,000
China Geomorphology Theme* GMACHACHD101 $ 45,000
AES Geomorphology Set* GMAESAESD100 $200,000 Ö
AES Geomorphology Theme* GMAESAESD101 $175,000 Ö
CIS Geomorphology Set* GMCISCISD100 $200,000 Ö
CIS Geomorphology Theme* GMCISCISD101 $175,000 Ö

Geophysical {GP}, Aeromagnetics Anomalies:
*Geophysical <Aeromagnetic Anomalies> Study of China & East Asia:
The Thematic Map Sets & texts display and discuss the region's Geophysics <Aeromagnetics>, Political, Transportation, Topography/Bathymetry, Hydrology, Geology, Satellite Imagery and Analysis information. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. Even though there are large blocks of missing and interpolated information, much of this is comparable to those works published in the 1980s by the USGS about the USA (Zietz, I., et al). Already possess in–house ~90% Aeromagnetics coverage of China. Where available (~50% of China in–house), Aeromagnetic profiles will be shown as attribute information.
Product Order No. Price
Total Aeromagnetics Set* GPTOTTOTD200 $250,000
Total Aeromagnetics Theme* GPTOTTOTD201 $225,000
China Aeromagnetics Set* GPACHACHD200 $ 50,000
China Aeromagnetics Theme* GPACHACHD201 $ 45,000
AES Aeromagnetics Set* GPAESAESD200 $215,000 Ö
AES Aeromagnetics Theme* GPAESAESD201 $200,000 Ö
CIS Aeromagnetics Set* GPCISCISD200 $215,000 Ö
CIS Aeromagnetics Theme* GPCISCISD201 $200,000 Ö


Geophysical {GP}, Gravity Anomalies:
*Geophysical <Gravity> Study of China & East Asia:
The combined thematic maps & texts display and discuss the region's Geophysics (Free–Air and Bouguer Gravity Anomalies), Political, Transportation, Hydrology, Geology and Analysis information. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. Even though there are large blocks of missing and interpolated information, much of this is comparable to those works published in the 1980s by the USGS about the USA (numerous authors). Already possess in–house very extensive coverage of Gravity maps of China (both onshore and offshore), and have been promised more, upon request. In addition, there are numerous non–Chinese sources which have various forms of gravity data accessible for analysis and digitizing, especially those data gathered by means of various satellites. All these data are or can be provided with the caveats that no ground–verification has been performed <i.e., no raw ground measurements are provided> and the derived maps are no more valid than the means used to gather, analyze and display the data. Gravity data can lead directly to discoveries of minerals and, indirectly, to the discovery of hydrocarbons (by enabling the defining of geological structures, etc.).

Product Order No. Price
Total Free–Air Gravity Set* GPTOTTOTD210 $750,000
Total Free–Air Gravity Theme* GPTOTTOTD211 $725,000
China Free–Air Gravity Set* GPACHACHD210 $ 50,000
China Free–Air Gravity Theme* GPACHACHD211 $ 45,000
AES Free–Air Gravity Set* GPAESAESD210 $710,000 Ö
AES Free–Air Gravity Theme* GPAESAESD211 $700,000 Ö
CIS Free–Air Gravity Set* GPCISCISD210 $710,000 Ö
CIS Free–Air Gravity Theme* GPCISCISD211 $700,000 Ö

Product Order No. Price
Total Bouguer Gravity Set* GPTOTTOTD220 $750,000
Total Bouguer Gravity Theme* GPTOTTOTD221 $725,000
China Bouguer Gravity Set* GPACHACHD220 $ 50,000
China Bouguer Gravity Theme* GPACHACHD221 $ 45,000
AES Bouguer Gravity Set* GPAESAESD220 $710,000 Ö
AES Bouguer Gravity Theme* GPAESAESD221 $700,000 Ö
CIS Bouguer Gravity Set* GPCISCISD220 $710,000 Ö
CIS Bouguer Gravity Theme* GPCISCISD221 $700,000 Ö

*Isopachous {IS} Study of China & East Asia:
The Thematic Set (maps & texts) display and discuss the region's Isopachous Distribution <total thickness of sediments & sedimentary rocks>, Political, Transportation, Topography/Bathymetry, Hydrology, Geology, Satellite Imagery and Analysis information. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. Even though there are large blocks of missing and interpolated information, much of this is comparable to those works published since the 1920s by geologists all over the world. Already possess in–house ~40% of such China Isopachous coverage, with additional available. Already possess in–house Isopachous Cross–Sections of ~20% of the significant Basins in China, which are to be entered as attribute information.

Product Order No. Price
Total Isopachous Set* ISTOTTOTD200 $550,000
Total Isopachous Theme* ISTOTTOTD201 $500,000
China Isopachous Set* ISACHACHD200 $100,000
China Isopachous Theme* ISACHACHD201 $ 75,000
AES Isopachous Set* ISAESAESD200 $490,000 Ö
AES Isopachous Theme* ISAESAESD201 $475,000 Ö
CIS Isopachous Set* ISCISCISD200 $490,000 Ö
CIS Isopachous Theme* ISCISCISD201 $475,000 Ö

*Metamorphic {MM} Stage Study of China & East Asia:
The Thematic Set (maps & texts) display and discuss the region's Regional Metamorphism (alterations in mineralogy due to past or present heating, etc.), Political, Transportation, Topography/Bathymetry, Hydrology/Drainage, Geology, Satellite Imagery and Analysis information. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. There are large areas of missing and/or interpolated information. The stage of metamorphism is directly related to exploration for petroleum, since higher heat levels change oil into graphite, etc.

Product Order No. Price
Total Metamorphism Set* MMTOTTOTD100 $250,000
Total Metamorphism Theme* MMTOTTOTD101 $200,000
China Metamorphism Set* MMACHACHD100 $ 50,000
China Metamorphism Theme* MMACHACHD101 $ 45,000
AES Metamorphism Set* MMAESAESD100 $200,000 Ö
AES Metamorphism Theme* MMAESAESD101 $170,000 Ö
CIS Metamorphism Set* MMCISCISD100 $200,000 Ö
CIS Metamorphism Theme* MMCISCISD101 $170,000 Ö

*Minerals {MN} Study of China & East Asia:
The Thematic Set (maps & texts) display and discuss the distribution of the region's Minerals, along with supporting Political, Transportation, Topography/Bathymetry, Hydrology, Geology, Satellite Imagery and Analysis information. It does not include the Basins or Coal Maps, their Texts or any other Regional Thematic Study. The maps & texts in this in–process study display and discuss the region's minerals, with some emphasis on metallogenic distribution, especially of precious metals [i.e., gold]. Over 700 significant mineral deposits are discussed in China, alone, covering such resources as Ag, Al, Au, B, Ba, CaCO3, CaF2, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, KCl, MgO, Mn, Mo, N, Na, NaCl, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sn, Ti, U, W, Zn and suites of minerals (e.g., the Rare Earths). Some coverage is given to gemstones, in particular to diamonds, rubies and sapphires. By far the greatest emphasis is given to gold, with over 1,000 references to Chinese gold deposits provided. Other information about exploration unique to China is provided.

· Each site georeferenced to maps
· Supports digital remote sensing enhancements and analyses
· Indispensable as a reference

Product Order No. Price
Total Minerals Set* MNTOTTOTD200 $275,000
Total Minerals Theme* MNTOTTOTD201 $225,000
China Minerals Set* MNACHACHD200 $125,000
China Minerals Theme* MNACHACHD201 $100,000
AES Minerals Set* MNAESAESD200 $220,000 Ö
AES Minerals Theme* MNAESAESD201 $200,000 Ö
CIS Minerals Set* MNCISCISD200 $120,000 Ö
CIS Minerals Theme* MNCISCISD201 $100,000 Ö

*Satellite Imagery {IM} Products of China & E. Asia:
In essence, only the raw products (i.e., the "Total Satellite Imagery Set") enabling serious photogeological interpretations are routinely provided in the "Standard Set," not the photogeological interpretation, itself. For client–selected portions of the "Standard Set," for separate detailed photogeological analysis, the cost is $150 per image for ASTER products, with the cost per image interpretation listed under "Photogeology".

Product Order No. Price
Total Satellite Image Set* IMTOTTOTDx00 $ 60,000/all images
ASTER Satellite Image Cost* IMTOTTOTDx00 $150/image

*Photogeological {PG} <Remote Sensing> Study of China & E. Asia:
The Thematic Set (maps & texts) display and discuss the region's Photogeology (general geology, stratigraphy, structure, geomorphological anomalies, geobotanical anomalies, lineaments, etc.), Political, Transportation, Topography/Bathymetry, Hydrology, Geology, Satellite Imagery and Analysis information. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. Since over 500 separate images are required for complete coverage of China proper, a study of all of China would be beyond the means of most firms; however, a study of an individual basin or province might be affordable. The charges listed do not include the cost of the associated digital maps: for example, to study Xianggang Zizhiqu {Hong Kong} with one image would cost $50,000 plus the cost for the Xianggang Zizhiqu digital maps desired. Very important note: Since Maness believes that the true function of Photogeology is to improve upon and extend well–established geological principles exemplified in geological maps, Maness refuses to perform separate "Lineament Analyses." Only as part of a more thorough integrated study, in which lineaments may lead to the discovery or extension of faults and other geological features, does Maness provide "Lineament Analyses." The price per image assumes the use of custom computer–enhanced Landsat Thematic Mapper <preferred>, ASTER, SIR–A, SIR–B, ..., SPOT, SOYUZKARTA and/or other commercially available digital satellite or aerial imagery. Maness possesses in–house approximately 80% of the entire China & East Asia study area. These unenhanced and uninterpreted images (only!) are included as part of the "Standard Set" under the category of "Satellite Imagery."
Product Order No. Price
Total Photogeology Set* PGTOTTOTD100 $ 60,000+/image
Total Photogeology Theme* PGTOTTOTD101 $ 50,000+/image
China Photogeology Set* PGACHACHD100 $ 60,000+/image
China Photogeology Theme* PGACHACHD101 $ 50,000+/image
AES Photogeology Set* PGAESAESD100 $ 60,000+/image
AES Photogeology Theme* PGAESAESD101 $ 50,000+/image
CIS Photogeology Set* PGCISCISD100 $ 60,000+/image
CIS Photogeology Theme* PGCISCISD101 $ 50,000+/image

Separate Thematic Political {PO} Study:
Maps & texts display and discuss the region's political boundaries as drawn by China, the systems of government used, elected and appointed officials, selected Ministries, and like information of use to foreign firms, in general, and to exploration firms, in particular.
· Assists in identifying whom to contact to open negotiations
· More flexibility with identified autonomous regions

Product Order No. Price
TOT Political Map & Text, Digital POTOTTOTD201 $ 5,000!

*Structural {SR} (Tectonic/Geodynamic) Thematic Study of China & East Asia:
The Thematic Set (maps & texts) display and discuss the region's Geological Structure, Political, Transportation, Topographic/Bathymetric, Hydrology, Geology, Satellite Imagery and Analysis information. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. There are large areas of missing and/or interpolated information. Since there are two fundamentally different types of structural studies of China, this reflects that reality. The first type maps Known Structures (faults, folds, shear zones, etc.) by their actual locations, showing Chinese names and supporting information when known by Maness. The second type displays Modeled Structures as trends of folds and faults (compression and tension) on a regional basis, sometimes with limited regard for how individual folds actually fit with the shown regional structural trends. Since the two methodologies are the results of fundamentally differing assumptions, it is obviously necessary to differentiate between them: it is obviously more promising to drill an actual mapped anticline for oil than to drill where an anticline may or may not be, but is assumed to be, based upon a regional model. Many of China's "Tectonic Maps" incorporate parts of both Known and Modeled Structures, and have been, of necessity, interpreted with caution. Two separate versions of all of China's and much of adjacent East Asia's Modeled Structure Maps are already in–house. About 15% (but more is readily available) of China's and East Asia's Known Structure Maps are already in–house, but not yet digitized. The price difference reflects the substantially greater cost and effort to acquire detailed information about Known Structures as compared with Modelled Structures.

Also incorporated in the present version of the Structural Theme is what was previously a separate Geodynamic Theme. Factors & Spatial Distribution of selected Geothermal Gradients, locations of Volcanos, Earthquake Epicenters, Faults and Plate Boundaries, etc., are now incorporated into the "Structural Theme". Some of this information varies from or is replicated in the Geological Theme. The inconsistencies are especially useful in determining geographic areas where more geological work is necessary, and/or where economic potential is greater than (or less than) generally thought.

Product Order No. Price
Total Known Structure Set* SRTOTTOTD100 $250,000
Total Known Structure Theme* SRTOTTOTD101 $245,000
China Known Structure Set* SRACHACHD100 $200,000
China Known Structure Theme* SRACHACHD101 $175,000
AES Known Structure Set* SRAESAESD100 $210,000 Ö
AES Known Structure Theme* SRAESAESD101 $190,000 Ö
CIS Known Structure Set* SRCISCISD100 $210,000 Ö
CIS Known Structure Theme* SRCISCISD101 $190,000 Ö

Product Order No. Price
Total Modeled Structure Set* SRTOTTOTD200 $ 50,000
Total Modeled Structure Theme* SRTOTTOTD201 $ 45,000
China Modeled Structure Set* SRTOTTOTD200 $ 40,000
China Modeled Structure Theme* SRTOTTOTD201 $ 35,000
AES Modeled Structure Set* SRAESAESD200 $ 40,000 Ö
AES Modeled Structure Theme* SRAESAESD201 $ 35,000 Ö
CIS Modeled Structure Set* SRCISCISD200 $ 40,000 Ö
CIS Modeled Structure Theme* SRCISCISD201 $ 35,000 Ö

*Topographic (Shaded–Relief) {TO} Theme of China & East Asia:
The Thematic Set (maps & texts) display and discuss the region's Topography, displayed in the form of x,y,z coordinates portrayed as shaded–relief. The Topographic theme is designed to support transportation and communications uses, in particular. This study does not include the Basins or Minerals (Metallogenic) Thematic Maps or their Texts or any part of any other Regional Thematic Study. There are a few individual pixels or blocks of missing or questionable information (especially in central China). Scales and projections on other map sources (but not this one!) vary widely and it appears certain that many errors (mostly planimetric) were systematically and intentionally introduced (especially regarding locations of rail lines and certain cities on the Transportation Theme). Notwithstanding, the present data source used, and the products generated from it, are extremely accurate (3rd Order!), at a nominal 90 meters resolution, clearly more accurate than the following mentioned sources. Topographic maps of all of China at a scale of 1:200,000 are readily available. Even though it is rumored in China that the entire country has been topographically mapped at a scale of 1:50,000, it is likely that much of the western and southern portions of China are available at large scale only in the form of planimetric maps derived from manual (uncorrected) photomosaic mapping methods. Many of the maps (various scales) along China's northern <e.g. Heilongjiang Province> and western border [e.g., Xinjiang–Weiwur Zizhiqu] are available from Russian sources. Some high–quality 1:10,000 scale topographic maps (mostly of Chinese cities) are available; in addition, many 1:10,000 scale (photomosaic–derived) planimetric maps are available for scattered areas throughout China. Consequently, acceptable small–scale maps do exist and larger–scale maps can usually be openly acquired on separate contract where they actually exist. In some cases (difficult), copies of the original photos used to make the photomosaics can be openly acquired <at far less cost than stereographic SPOT Imagery>. In summary, the shaded–relief data provided are accurate to 90 meters and have appended x,y,z coordinates for every pixel. These data enable generation of digital maps of China at third–order accuracy.

To acquire a conventional Topographic Map from these thematic data requires the digital merging of the Topographic Theme {TO} with the Transportation Theme {TR}.
Product Order No. Price
Total Topographic Theme* TOTOTTOTD201 $125,000
China Topographic Theme* TOACHACHD201 $100,000
AES Topographic Theme* TOAESAESD201 $100,000 Ö
CIS Topographic, Theme* TOCISCISD201 $100,000 Ö

Separate Thematic Transportation {TR} Study:
Maps & texts display and discuss the region's cities and towns; major and minor roads; rail & canal lines; shipping lanes; and general infrastructure.
· Indispensable for supporting logistics
· Supports remote sensing studies (relative locations)

Product Order No. Price
Total Transportation Map & Text Theme, Digital TRTOTTOTD201 $ 35,000
China Transportation Map & Text Theme TRACHACHD201 $ 32,000
AES Transportation Map & Text Theme TRAESAESD201 $ 32,000 Ö
CIS Transportation Map & Text Theme TRCISCISD201 $ 34,500 Ö

Generation of other specialized thematic map products are available on a bid or cost+ basis. Gathering of map and supporting textual information on numerous themes is in–process.