Iraq Region Digital Topographic (Shaded Relief) Image

(Presented as a public service of the web-site.)

CEAR 2000. World Resources. Denver Mining Club. Afghanistan

Iraq Region Shaded Relief Image
Version: February 11th, 2,003

A compilation of samples of a digital shaded relief map of Iraq, and its effective use in support of anti–terrorist activities, is presented. A free copy of the digital raw enhanced imagery will be sent upon request to any serviceman or –woman in, or on the way to, Iraq, whether American or Allied. In the near future, we plan to make these images directly downloadable.


This digital topographic image of areas in, or adjacent to, Iraq is presented as a sample of what can be done using modern technology. As digital images, they can be imported into standard software packages and enlarged. The images listed herein (on this Web–Site) were selected and enhanced by Lee Rice, who has extensive experience with them: these represent only a very small sample of methods by which the available digital elevation models can be enhanced and displayed.

Shaded Relief Map of Iraq & Vicinity
Courtesy of Lee R. Rice, P.E., President
Data Technology Services
10920 West Alameda Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80226–2680 USA
303–989–1446 x125 Fax: 303–989–3820

Viewers should directly contact the original source to get copies of the original digital data. Detailed instructions for how to do that will soon be incorporated into this document. In the interim, if someone urgently needs a copy, please contact Lindsey V. Maness, Jr. via E–Mail at for instructions: I can offer expert advice on effective use of the imagery for a variety of purposes. For those involved in the anti–terrorism effort (US or Allied), there will be no charge assessed for routine assistance (i.e., that which does not require a significant expenditure of time or money). For all others, my charge is $200/hour, plus expenses, payable in advance.


Shaded Relief Map from Digital Elevation Models


Scene ID

iraqSRM0.jpg: 1588 wide 1229 high

Iraq Shaded-Relief Map