12875 West 15th Drive
Golden, CO 80401–3501 USA
Tel: 303–237–6590 E–Mail: LVManess@Comcast.net

Revised on July 23rd, 2,010.


Copyright Holder: Lindsey V. Maness, Jr.

Special studies are in-process about elements of special interest, with special focus on geological provenance, known occurrences and geochemical relationships, with a secondary focus on all other germane factors necessary to understand potential supply, etc.

All of these elements have special uses in the semiconductor industry, in particular in support of photovoltaics applications.

Quite a lot of additional information, not presented, exists; however, these can be made available only with special negotiations, since the portions of the studies not shown were performed for clients and are proprietary to them.


Elements of Special Interest


For more information

Elements. Elements.