

(Presented as a public service of the China–Resources.net web–site.)

Version: August 30th, 2,005

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South Park, CO and vicinity is blessed with an abundance of mineral wealth. Greater South Park has an illustrious history of mining, in particular for precious metals. Other lesser–known mineral resources of South Park, including beryllium ore, have the potential to both be a financial bonanza for those involved and to enable the saving the lives of many American and Allied servicemen with products (e.g., light–weight body armor) for which beryllium is essential. Significant reserves of beryllium ore are proven at both Mount Antero (at and around the California Mine) and near Lake George (at the now–inactive Boomer Mine). In the hope that we can encourage the bringing of these strategically–important minerals to market, this portion of my web–site is being made available.

Former President Harry S Truman had a little sign on his desk that stated: "The Buck Stops Here." In regards to the Be Mines 2,005 Symposium, as I stated at the symposium, I am solely responsible for any problems with speakers or scheduling, with all errors of omission or commission regarding the symposium.

Obviously, however, I am not in any way responsible for willfull acts undertaken by any party that might decrease future production of beryllium that would almost certainly save the lives of US and Allied servicemen "In Harm's Way" while benefitting the people of Park and surrounding counties. This applies both to the symposium which has already been held and to any future activities by any party or parties (e.g., self–styled eco–terrorists, saboteurs, etc.).

Be Mines 2,005 Symposium Organization

  • Senator Tom Wiens, Banking (cancelled)
  • David M. Abbott, Jr., Valuation & due–diligence, Principal, Behre Dolbear & Co., Inc.

    • Legal & Regulatory
  • Cancelled

    • Government Affairs
  • Sara Mayben, Federal (Chair)
  • Harry H. Posey, State
  • Jim Gardner, County

    • Geology & Resources Information
  • Chuck Hawley (Chair)
  • Lee Rice
  • Jim Piper
  • Lindsey V. Maness, Jr.
  • Chikambwe, E.M., Suleiman, A.S., & Maseka

  • The structure of the symposium will be linear, in two major divisions. The first, Government Affairs, is totally separate and will be predominantly held at the nearby U.S. Forest Service office, in an informal question–and–answer format, supplemented with hand–outs on display. The other three sections will be presented as one author at a time, with liberal question–and–answer sessions. The immediate purpose is to inform fully. A laptop computer and projector will be provided to enable power–point presentations to be made. Power–point is the preferred mechanism, although view–graphs will also be available.

    The Proceedings of the Be Mines 2,005 Symposium will be published on this web–site. Publications will be updated and improved as more information becomes available, to enable progress to be made by all interested parties. Direct contact is encouraged, both at the symposium and afterwards.

    Be Mines 2,005 Symposium Schedule

      Thursday 25 August
  • 08:00–0900 Welcoming Breakfast. Speaker: Jim Gardner
  • 09:00–5:00 P.M. Presentations

  • 09:00–09:30 A.M. Lindsey Maness: Introduction to Symposium
  • 09:30–10:30 A.M. Jim Piper
  • 10:30–12:00 A.M. Dave Abbott
  • 12:00–1:00 P.M. Lunch
  • 1:00– 3:00 P.M. Senator Tom Wiens (Cancelled)
  • 3:00– 4:00 P.M. Discussion and Planning Period
  • 4:00– 5:00 P.M.

    • Friday 26 August
  • 08:00–0900 Welcoming Breakfast. Speaker: to be announced
  • 09:00–5:00 P.M. Presentations

  • 09:00–11:00 A.M. Dr. Wallace Griffitts will speak about his geological research.
  • 11:00–12:00 A.M. Chuck Hawley
  • 12:00–1:00 P.M. Lunch
  • 1:00–2:00 P.M. Chuck Hawley
  • 2:00–3:30 P.M. Lee Rice
  • 3:30–4:30 P.M. Harry Posey will discuss Colorado's mining laws and regulations.
  • 4:30–5:00 P.M. Lindsey Maness: Concluding Remarks

    • Saturday 27 August
  • 0800–5:00 P.M. Field Trip (informal, in personal cars).

  • Important Notes: Speakers and schedules are subject to change without notice. This meeting is informal. Questions and comments are encouraged.

    To view Registration information, click here: REGISTRATION INFORMATION

    Wallace R. Griffitts, PhD

    Wallace R. Griffitts is a renowned geologist retired from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). During Dr. Griffitts' long and productive career, he published a great many papers, reports, maps, etc. Most are still used as invaluable tools to understand the geological resources of the areas described, and are still frequently quoted. This is all the more remarkable since many of his reports are a half–century or more old. At a time when most geologists were viewing Park County, in specific, and greater South Park, in general, as primarily of interest for the well–known precious metals deposits located there, Dr. Griffitts encouraged resources professionals to broaden their outlooks, in particular for beryllium mineralization. Indeed, during the period of the late 1950s through the early 1970s, Park County was the largest producer of beryllium ore in the entire USA! Dr. Griffitts was instrumental in the USGS's conducting geochemical and other projects in South Park to more precisely locate and understand the mineralization. He found several areas with anomalously–high beryllium mineralization, none of which was ever brought into production. With the present critically–short supply of beryllium, world–wide, and the consequent extremely high prices being commanded for beryllium products, it would be wise to re–examine Dr. Griffitt's findings, recommendations, etc. Consequently, several of his unpublished papers and other relevant documents are included herein.

    One of Dr. Griffitts' former USGS co–workers, Dr. Charles ("Chuck") Hawley, deserves special recognition for his outstanding contributions to the understanding of the geology and mineralization of South Park. Special recognition is being provided herein to Dr. Hawley, in association with Dr. Griffitts. Dr. Hawley is flying in from Alaska specifically to attend this symposium.

    (Click on name of senior author to view document.)

    • Griffitts, W.R., 1956, unpublished paper, Untitled description of beryllium mineralization in Lake George, CO, area, with a summary of USGS work, 24 pp. (Retyped by L.V. Maness, Jr., without maps & tables.)

    • Griffitts, W.R., 197?, Beryllium, USGS Professional Paper 820, pp. 85–92.

    • Griffitts, W.R.?, 19??, Title Unknown, in Exploration and Mapping Techniques, USGS Professional Paper ???, pp. B91–B92.

    • Griffitts, W.R. and Rader, L.F., Jr., 1963, Beryllium and Fluorine in Mineralized Tuff, Spor Mountain, Juab County, Utah, in USGS Professional Paper 475B, pp. B16–B17.

    Mount Antero

    Aerial Photos.Stereographic Aerial Photographs of geologically interesting areas (e.g., Mount Antero, CO) are featured. Detailed written descriptions with geological maps to accompany the aerial photos are in–process.


    Beryllium is strategically important to the USA and to our Allies in the war against terrorism. A worldwide shortage of beryllium has led to a shortage of lightweight body armor for use by our servicemen "In Harm's Way." Consequently, additional production of beryllium would lead to a saving of the lives of our servicemen: the more that is produced, the more lives that would be saved. We owe our servicemen and –women the very best protection we can provide them.

    (Click on name of senior author to view document.)

    • Griffitts, W.R., 197?, Beryllium, USGS Professional Paper 820, pp. 85–92.

    • Griffitts, W.R.?, 19??, Title Unknown, in Exploration and Mapping Techniques, USGS Professional Paper ???, pp. B91–B92.

    • Griffitts, W.R. and Rader, L.F., Jr., 1963, Beryllium and Fluorine in Mineralized Tuff, Spor Mountain, Juab County, Utah, in USGS Professional Paper 475B, pp. B16–B17.

    • Hawley, C.C., 1969, Geology and Beryllium Deposits of the Lake George (or Badger Flats) Beryllium Area, Park and Jefferson Counties, Colorado, USGS Professional Paper 608–A, 44 pp., maps & tables.

    Be Mines 2,005 Symposium

    The Be Mines 2,005 Symposium is being held in Fairplay, CO, during the period August 25–– 26, 2,005. It will be immediately followed by a field trip to known areas of beryllium mineralization in Greater South Park, including those areas geochemically sampled and analyzed by Dr. Wallace R. Griffitts for the USGS during the 1960s–1970s. Unfortunately, no field trip to the Boomer Mine is possible: the owner has declined to allow access. If there is sufficient interest, field trips on August 28th (e.g., to Mount Antero) will also be organized.

    (Click on name of senior author to view document.)

    • Abbott, D.M., Jr. 2005, Beryllium Deposits or Beryllium Ore? An Important Distinction for Financing, 18 pp.

    • Chikambwe, E.M., Suleiman, A.S., and Maseka, 2005, Beryllium Resources in Zambia. The senior author is a geologist, with the Geological Survey Department, in Lusaka, Zambia.

    • Maness, L.V., and Piper, J.R., 2003, Planned "No–Waste Mining" at the Blue Puma Mines, Park County, CO, 16 pp.

    • Piper, J.R., 2005, Abstract: Beryllium Deposits Associated with the Redskin Stock and China Wall Cupola. 2005© James R. Piper

    • Piper, J.R., 2005, Histogram of Beryllium Occurrences in Geochemical Samples of the Redskin Stock, Park County, CO. 2005© James R. Piper

    • Piper, J.R., 2005, Geologic, Mine & Geochemical Map of Redskin Granite Exposure, Park County, CO. 2005© James R. Piper

    • Piper, J.R., 2005, Shaded Relief Map of the Boomer Mine, Park County, CO. 2005© James R. Piper

    • Piper, J.R., 2005, Digital Topographic Map of the Boomer Mine, Park County, CO. 2005© James R. Piper

    • Piper, J.R., 2005, "TIN" Map of the Boomer Mine, Park County, CO. 2005© James R. Piper

    • Rice, L.R., 2002, Shaded Relief Map of South Park, Colorado, Illumination Azimuth 0o, Elevation 90o, Vertical Exaggeration = 7.5. 2002© Lee R. Rice.

    • Rice, L.R., 2002, Shaded Relief Map of South Park, Colorado, Illumination Azimuth 315o, Elevation 45o, Vertical Exaggeration = 2. 2002© Lee R. Rice.

    • Rice, L.R., 2002, Shaded Relief Map of South Park, Colorado, View from West. 2002© Lee R. Rice.

    • Rice, L.R., 2002, Shaded Relief Map of South Park, Colorado, View from Southeast. 2002© Lee R. Rice.

    • Rice, L.R., 2002, Shaded Relief Map of South Park, Colorado, View from East. 2002© Lee R. Rice.

    • Rice, L.R., 2002, Shaded Relief Map of South Park, Colorado, View from Southwest. 2002© Lee R. Rice.